Friday 28 October 2016

Nursery Rhymes


The following students presented their nursery rhymes today. Below is the scarecrow or the witch he/she made. 
Bravo les amis!

Just a friendly reminder to wear orange & black on Monday.

Bon week-end!

Mme Mathieu

Thursday 27 October 2016

Absolutely beautiful!

Good evening,

I would like to say thank you to Tuyet et Lorraine for the beautiful Remembrance Day Bulletin Board! We are working hard in preparation for our Ceremony. 

Merci beaucoup.

Mme Mathieu

Nursery rhymes


The following students presented their nursery rhymes today. Below is the scarecrow or the witch he/she made. 
Bravo les amis!

Bonne soirée!

Mme Mathieu

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Voilà Learning

Dear Parents,

Please take the time to read the following information. 


Mme Mathieu

                                   Voilà Learning      
Free Online Homework Help in French

Our school board has secured funding to provide FREE Online Homework Help in French for our students. Available with Voilà Learning, Monday through Thursday from 5pm-8pm.  Support in a fun, avatar-based virtual classroom is one-on-one with a live tutor.

To facilitate the communication process, here are some promotional tools that you may share with parents:
A video explaining how the program works:
The Online Homework Help registration page:
The video and registration link can be posted on your school websites so that it is accessible to all students and parents.  The code to register is:  BonjourVoila
Later in October, we will send a box of letters and guides to your schools that explain how the program works (Copy of these documents).   ​​

Nursery Rhymes


The following students presented their nursery rhymes today. Below is the scarecrow or the witch he/she made. 
Bravo les amis!

Friendly reminders!


Here are friendly reminders:

Friday, October 28th, 2016
Wear your favorite costume (no masks or weapon type accessories please).
Fill out and return your attached sponsorship sheet and tickets and be eligible for prizes.
(Keep Safe - No door to door solicitation.)
Parents are welcome to dress up and join their children during scheduled times:
FDK - 9:30 - 10:00
Grade 1, 2, 3 - 10:10 to 11:10
Grade 4, 5, 6 - 12:10 - 1:10
Grade 6 (2nd round) - 1:10 - 1:40
Costume Parade - 2:00 (walking around the school) Image result for halloween costumes for kids clipart
Have fun and raise funds for special events in our school.
Sponsorship Sheet and tickets are due back at SMY by Friday, October 28th.
Prizes to be awarded on Monday, October 31st at our RFTS Assembly.

-Monday, October 31st, your child is encouraged to wear orange & black for the day.

Bonne journée!

Mme Mathieu

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Good evening,

The following students presented their nursery rhymes today. Below is the scarecrow or the witch he/she made. 
Bravo les amis!

Mme Mathieu

Good evening,

The following students presented their nursery rhymes today. Below is the scarecrow or the witch he/she made. 
Bravo les amis!

Mme Mathieu

Monday 24 October 2016

Présentation orale: 'L'épouvantail' ou 'La sorcière qui a froid aux pieds'.

Good evening,

The following students presented their nursery rhymes today. Below is the scarecrow or the witch he/she made. 
Bravo les amis!

Stay tuned for more!

Bonne soirée!

Mme Mathieu

Remaining of the French homework for the week. (Les adjectifs)


Here are the sentences for the week.

Mme Mathieu

Le mardi 25 octobre 2016.

1.Les décorations sont belles et drôles.
2.La sorcière a une grosse verrue verte sur son nez.
3.Le nez du monstre est long et pointu.


Le mercredi 25 octobre 2016.

1.La vieille sorcière prépare des potions magiques.
2.La garçon mange de la gomme rose et bleue.
3.Les oiseaux noirs volent autour de la maison hantée.

Le jeudi 27 octobre 2016.

1.Le chaudron est immense et noir.
2.La potion est magique et mystérieuse.
3.Les enfants sont heureux de passer l’Halloween ensemble.

Activities for this week!


Dear Parents,

This week your child will have 3 sentences per night to analyse and to write 1 sentence of his/her choice using adjectives. Your child needs to write the following sentences his/her ‘Écriture notebook’. Please ensure that your child brings in his/her notebook back to school every day.

Le lundi 24 octobre 2016.
1.La maison est hantée avec des fenêtres brisées.
2.Le chat noir mange des souris grises.
3.La toile d’araignée est grosse et gluante.

Bonne journée!

Mme Mathieu

Saturday 22 October 2016

Dream catcher & adjectives


Here are the BEAUTIFUL dream catchers. Merci les amis pour votre créativité. 

In French, we have been busy learning what an adjective is?

Here are some sites that your child could go on and benefit to expand his/her comprehension.

This a site that addresses several subjects , such as 'Conjugaison - Verbes', 'Grammaire - Orthographe', 'Reading' & 'Vocabulary'. Have fun!

Have a great weekend!

Mme Mathieu

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Le mercredi 19 octobre 2016.


WoW! We are so busy lately. 

-Today, your child had to opportunity to sign O'Canada with the help of  Mlle Rasya Robinson. Merci.

-Your child needs to continue to practise to sign O'Canada at home. Your child is presenting next week. 

-Your child needs to practise the short play: 'Arthur & Sandy'. Your child is presenting on Friday. 

-Next week, your child needs to be ready to recite in front of his/her classmates the nursery rhymes: 

La sorcière a froid aux pieds
La sorcière a froid aux pieds
La sorcière a froid au nez
La sorcière est enrhumée.
Je lui donne un mouchoir bleu:
vite, elle ferme les yeux
Je lui donne un mouchoir blanc:
clic, elle claque des dents
Je lui donne un mouchoir noir:
elle éternue jusqu'au soir.
Je lui donne un mouchoir vert:
PAF ! Elle tombe par terre.


Les cheveux en bataille
Le corps en brin de paille
Vêtu d'un vieux chandail,
C'est l'épouvantail.
Il fait peur aux moineaux
Aux corneilles, aux corbeaux,
À tout oiseau qui piaille,
C'est l'épouvantail.
Est-ce que tu oserais
Le toucher, l'embrasser,
Le prendre par la taille,
Cet épouvantail ?

Friendly reminders:
-Have your child continue to read every night in French out loud for 15 minutes.
-Picture Day (Tuesday, October 25th).
-Halloween Dance (Friday, October 28th). 

Bonne soirée!

Mme Mathieu

Thursday 6 October 2016



The goal for today: What are you thankful for...?

 Here are some work examples:

Mme Mathieu

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Collaborative work!


Today, the Grade 5's from Mme Micheline spend the second block with us.

I introduced the subject of Remembrance Day.

  • They watched and sang a short song: "Beau Coquelicot."
  • Together, we came up with keywords that describe 'Remembrance Day', such as: soldats, courage, brave, guerre, coquelicot...
  • Afterwards, everyone was placed in groups in helping out to decorate our gym for our Ceremony.
  • To finish this wonderful block, I read a book related to Remembrance Day:  'Jason'.

I would like to thank Olivia, Giulliana, Abby, & Natalia for helping in creating the groups. I would like to thank Lorraine & Tuyet for teaching the students on how to paint the poster. I would also like to thank Rajna & Tatiana in helping in creating beautiful lanterns and teaching how to make them. Michael & Momo for being great assistants. Everyone collaborated together! Merci beaucoup les amis!

 Stay tuned! More pictures to come soon!

Mme Mathieu

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Dates for oral présentation.

Dear Parents,

Here are the dates for your child's presentation ‘nursery rhyme’ & ‘O'Canada’ in sign language.

Nursery Rhyme: ‘L’épouvantail’ & ‘La sorcière a froid aux pieds’
Monday, October 24th: Matteo, Lorraine, Giulliana, Rajna, Tatiana, Andrew
Tuesday, October 25th: Roman, Orla, Olivia, Ethan, Ashley, Michael, Abigail
Wednesday, October 26th: Jihad, Sydney, Dylan, Ioana, Adam, Natalia, Angelina
Thursday, October 27th: Owen A., Gabriel, Monique, Moanah, Brennan, Owen P.
Friday, October 28th: Rebecca, Owen D., Tuyet, Joshua, Biruk, Holden

Monday, October 24th: Jihad, Olivia, Ioana, Adam, Natalia, Holden
Tuesday, October 25th: Moanah, Tuyet, Brennan, Owen P.,  Biruk, Angelina
Wednesday, October 26th: Owen A., Rebecca, Gabriel, Owen D., Monique, Joshua
Thursday, October 27th: Matteo, Lorraine, Dylan, Giulliana, Rajna, Tatiana, Andrew  

Friday, October 28th: Roman, Orla, Ethan, Ashley, Michael, Abigail


Mme Mathieu

Monday 3 October 2016


*David Bouchard is visiting on Thursday, October, 13th. Not the 14th.

*I have found short French stories for your child to read. I meant, have your child listen to the stories 3X. One story per night. This is great practice! Enjoy!

Le petit Poucet

La princesse et le crapaud.

Où sont les trois petits cochons?

Boucle d'or et Petit Ours

Léo le petit chat

Solange la souris

Tu es trop grand Georges!

Que la vie est belle!

Qu'est-ce que tu fais, cochon?

Monday, October 3rd, 2016.


Please find the nursery rhyme your child is responsible to memorize for the month of October. I will be sending a presentation date to your child. As well, for the O'Canada in sign language. 

Image result for o'canada clipart

Stay tuned!

La sorcière a froid aux pieds

La sorcière a froid aux pieds
La sorcière a froid au nez
La sorcière est enrhumée.
Je lui donne un mouchoir bleu:
vite, elle ferme les yeux
Je lui donne un mouchoir blanc:
clic, elle claque des dents
Je lui donne un mouchoir noir:
elle éternue jusqu'au soir.
Je lui donne un mouchoir vert:
PAF ! Elle tombe par terre.

8)Owen D.
12)Owen A.


Les cheveux en bataille
Le corps en brin de paille
Vêtu d'un vieux chandail,
C'est l'épouvantail.
Il fait peur aux moineaux
Aux corneilles, aux corbeaux,
À tout oiseau qui piaille,
C'est l'épouvantail.
Est-ce que tu oserais
Le toucher, l'embrasser,
Le prendre par la taille,
Cet épouvantail ?

6)Owen P.

I have found short French stories for your child to read. Have your child read the stories 3X. One story per night. This is great practice! Enjoy!

Le petit Poucet

La princesse et le crapaud.

Où sont les trois petits cochons?

Boucle d'or et Petit Ours

Léo le petit chat

Solange la souris

Tu es trop grand Georges!

Que la vie est belle!

Qu'est-ce que tu fais, cochon?

Je vous souhaite une excellente journée!

Mme Mathieu

Sunday 2 October 2016

Sunday, October 2nd, 2016.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank Tatiana & Rajna for taking time to do this beautiful welcoming board. On October 14th, we have the pleasure to welcome the author David Bouchard to our school. Merci beaucoup!

Bonne journée!

Mme Mathieu