Tuesday 25 April 2017


This morning Councillor Diane Deans came in to speak to the Grade 5's students. The students were amazing! They asked excellent questions. They were attentive and involved in the presentation. They have learned more about the municipal level of the government. 

Merci beaucoup les amis! Je suis fière de vous!

What is new?:
-We have started our unit in Language Arts: 'Persuasive writing'. Here are some vocabulary that your child is saying when trying to persuade someone:

*Je crois que.... parce que....
*À mon avis.....
*Selon moi.....
*D'après moi....
*Je suis d'accord avec....
*Je ne suis pas d'accord avec...

-We are now practicing to conjugate verbs in 'ER' au présent. 
Here are activities for your child to play and learn.

Friendly reminders:
-Quiz this Friday (Tête-Dure 3)

-Next week your child will be evaluated on how to say numbers in French. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mme Buyers & Mme Fournier for helping the students learn how to say their numbers in French.

-Friday, April 28th: 'Cake Walk'. The We Team will be by everyday this week to sell tickets ($1.00). Students can buy as many as they wish. Please drop off your cake on the morning of Friday, April 28th at the office. Just a friendly reminder that your cake should come in a box or container that the winner can easily transport home. Bonne chance les amis!!!!

Merci et bonne soirée!

Mme Mathieu

Sunday 9 April 2017

Homework for Tuesday, April 10th.


Trouve 8 endroits où il y a un gaspillage d’énergie chez toi.
Questions pour t’aider:
 Est-ce qu’il y a des endroits avec des courants d’air (drafts)?
 Quels sont les Watts sur les ampoules?
 L’isolation est-elle bonne dans les murs? Autour des fenêtres?  Près des portes?
Est-ce qu’il y a des appareils qui peuvent être éteints (shut off) dans la maison?

Appareil/ endroit où l’énergie est gaspillée
Source d’énergie
Renouvelable (R)
Ou Non-renouvelable (NR)
Solution pour économiser l’énergie à cet endroit.








Monday 3 April 2017

My French goals to improve my communication.


This morning your child had to reflect on how he/she was communicating in French class. We came up with several ways to improve our oral communication in class or outside class. Here are the student's ideas. 

Your child is coming home today with his/her personal goals (4 to 5 goals). Please encourage your child to speak French more often in class. It is a safe environment. We are working on our Growth Mindset.

Friendly reminders:
-Dictée to be corrected and signed for tomorrow.
-Pop quiz to be signed for tomorrow.
-Goal sheet to be signed for tomorrow.
-It is Mlle Hagar's last week with us. We are wishing her the best.

Merci pour votre collaboration et support!

Mme Mathieu & Mlle Hagar