Tuesday 31 January 2017

Tuesday, January 31th, 2017.



1) Write and analyse 5 sentences for Friday.

2) Drama presentation: 'Pièce de théâtre' to present Friday.

Bonne soirée!

Mme Mathieu

Monday 23 January 2017

Monday, January 23th, 2017.


Friendly reminders:

-JDF (Analyse 5 phrases) pour vendredi.

-Études sociales (Les adjectifs possessifs & les adjectifs démonstratifs) à remettre le mercredi 25 janvier. 

-Jour de Ski/tube (Le jeudi 26 janvier)
Image result for ski day cartoon clipart

-Free throw (Le vendredi 27 janvier) Related image

-A reminder to parents that when a snow day is declared on a Pizza Day, pizza delivery is postponed until the Friday of the same week. Students will have to bring a lunch tomorrow, if they have ordered pizza and it is declared a Snow Day (transportation cancelled for whole day). Please check our Twitter feed (found on our website - smy.ocsb.ca) for a link to being notified if it is a Snow Day throughout the winter season.

Bonne soirée!

Mme Mathieu

Monday 9 January 2017

Bonne Année!

Monday, January 9th, 2017.

Dear Parents,


Here are the goals for January:

Goal #1: Your child needs to write 5 sentences of his/her choice and analyse the sentences. Please see the example below. Your child needs to write the 5 sentences in his/her JDF and hand it every Friday during the month of January. Please ensure your child brings his/her JDF each day to class.

unnamed (4).jpg  unnamed.jpg

GOAL #2: Your child needs to play 10 minutes of French games each night. This could be Duolingo (Grade 4 will need to create their own account - *Excellent way to learn French), QUIA French, Bonjour de France, TFO http://www.tfo.org/fr/jeux (Grade 4 & 5) You will need to create your own account. It is a site to practice verbs, grammar, adjectives...

*Maybe your child will need to search for games. I am now trying to have your child be more independent and take responsibilities for their education.


Mme Mathieu

Jeux pour apprendre le français. (Écris le nom du jeu ou le site à côté de la date que tu as choisis pour jouer).

9 janvier:  ___________________________________________________  Parent initals
10 janvier: ___________________________________________________ Parent initals
11 janvier: ___________________________________________________ Parent initals
12 janvier: ___________________________________________________Parent initals
13 janvier: ___________________________________________________ Parent initals

16 janvier: ___________________________________________________ Parent initals
17 janvier:___________________________________________________ Parent initals
18 janvier: ___________________________________________________ Parent initals
19 janvier: ___________________________________________________ Parent initals
20 janvier: ___________________________________________________ Parent initals

23 janvier: ___________________________________________________ Parent initals
24 janvier: ___________________________________________________ Parent initals
25 janvier: ___________________________________________________ Parent initals
26 janvier: ___________________________________________________ Parent initals
27 janvier: ___________________________________________________ Parent initals

30 janvier: ___________________________________________________ Parent initals
31 janvier: ___________________________________________________ Parent initals
1 février: ___________________________________________________  Parent initals
2 février: ___________________________________________________ Parent initals
3 février: ___________________________________________________ Parent initals

-Évaluations to be signed for tomorrow.
-Samuel de Champlain to be completed for this Wednesday.
-Please send in styrofoam trays for next week's visual art activity. (Please wash).

Bonne soirée!

Mme Mathieu